Terminal Courier wwwwx wwwwx wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwp Form1 &File mcexit &Exit settings &Settings * comparams &Com Params + transfers &Transfers capture &Capture to file ... Command1_Click nCid OpenComm Command2_Click CloseComm: Command3_Click configure config mousepointer Form_Click Form_UnloadF Cancel| OpenCom CloseCom @ Form_Load @ ConfigComn comparams_Click mcexit_Click form_KeyPress KeyAscii WriteComm Timer1_Timer@ ReadComm= term_putc term_init timer1N enabled intervalr COMSTAT status GetCommError term_putX subroutine? curxi currentx| currenty0 continue height fontsize settings_Click scaleheight cursorK width" cursor_Click cursor_KeyPress disp_cursor hide_cursor6 Form_Paint Term_Redraw slowdown timerlock TermTextColor vt100- ReceiveLoopp ConfigComm Inited RedrawScreen scalemode scalewidthT screen file_ClickA SerialWrite Term$ SerialOpen TPort) SerialConfigb TBaud TWord TParityP SerialClose TConfigChanged SerialRead rx_Click FlagCapture# capture_Click capopen captureopen1 opencapture transfers_Click capture caption Form_KeyDownH KeyCode Shift alternatively KEY_^ KEY_LEFT KEY_END KEY_HOME KEY_UPw KEY_RIGHT KEY_DOWN KEY_INSERT KEY_DELETE oldColor SetBkColor GetBkColor GetTextColor ComPollLoopDo ComPollLoop TextOut Form_Unload CloseCom Close Error" Closed Form_Load Unable to open port" VBTERM Unable to configure port VBTERM ConfigCom Force Screen Update comparams_Click mcexit_Click form_KeyPress ReceiveLoop Form_Paint capture_Click Capture to file ..." Form_KeyDown Form_KeyDowny intercepts keys which do not generate an ANSI code, such as the function and cursor movement keys, and translates them into VT100 style kepresses which are transmitted to the Form_Keypress()e event, which deals with transmitting keystrokes. It couldc alternatively transmit keystrokes directly. Case KEY_END= buf$ = "" Case KEY_INSERT buf$ = "" Case KEY_DELETE buf$ = ""